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Adventures in Tampa Bay
The Alkaid (1st), Mizar & Alcor (2nd), and
Alioth (3rd) Expeditions to Tampa (Mira in Cetus).
As a
design engineer in Tampa I'd occaisionally read a surfing magazine from the
Pacific coast or Hawaii, which were sold around the area although the glorious
gulf coast had no surf of polynesian proportions to surf on. That is where the
wave came from in this old selection from my photo album Inside a Chambered
Nautilus. The photo of myself is a double exposure taken in my 2nd story
office in an apartment room, where I was set up with an excellent collection of
engineering books and an IBM PC. The palms outside my apartment window not far
from the beach were beautiful. I was dating to find a wife to the tune of I
Wonder Why and Love Is the Only Chain on Garfunkle's

Left: An
Electromagnetic Shower in the BBC at CERN near Geneva. Right: James A. Green in
In the burst of elementary particles, a brainy figure
gestures in exaltation in the posture of Centaurus, waving his hands over a
cross of Cartesian coordinates and a factor of 4. For a larger version, see
After leaving Clearwater in 1991 and returning to Wichita, Kansas, I
focused my mind quite heavily for a time on ultimate equations of theoretical
physics,and discovered overthrow theorems for classical general relativity by
concentrating on Einstein's Ricci tensor field equations in Cartesian
coordinates. Like Fierz & Wolfgang Pauli (As described by Misner, Thorne
& Wheeler [1], however, as the 1939 Pauli-Fierz article is less explicit), I
discovered one in which the weak-field equations lead to a violation of the
conservation equations, namely the equation of continuity. Wheeler, Thorne, and
Misner phrased the 1939 "Pauli-Fierz" result in terms of the 4-divergence of the
matter tensor, whereas I was focused on the most fundamental component of it.
Also, since I was looking into the electroweak model at the time...the one used
to unify [2] the weak interaction and electromagnetism, I discovered a natural
generalization of it that included all of the other forces, especially the
strong nuclear force, which I managed to obtain as a power series expansion from
the solutions to the central generalized Maxwell's equations of the model [3],
so that the unified field theory was a generalized form of the electroweak model
derived during the 1970s by Weinberg and Salam [2]. The form I chose was also
discussed somewhat in books on Grand Unified Theories, although I believe I was
the first to obtain the nuclear force expansion from the core equations and to
frame the theory in MKS units in a form engineers find familiar from
electromagnetics. In addition, I think my treatment is the clearest ever
[1] GRAVITATION by Wheeler, Thorne, and Misner. Their book
presented a fairly decent non-self-consistency theorem billed as the 1939
Pauli-Fierz theorem without accepting it, thereby contriving to miss the thorn
that would have deflated the entire model. I discovered a similar theorem
independently in 1992. Since reading the 1939 Pauli-Fierz paper, I suppose
Misner, Wheeler, and Thorne had more to do with GR non-self-consistency theorems
than I at first suspected. The Pauli-Fierz paper was much less definite.
INTRODUCTION TO NUCLEAR PHYSICS by Cottingham & Greenwood. This book
contains a nice introduction to the electroweak model without quite divulging
its field equations! But it contained enough clues to find them and derive their
equation of motion.
James A. Green, 10th edition, April state, 1999. Contains the clearest forms of
the GR non-self-consistency theorems leading to the electroform unified field
theory based on symmetrized standard-model vector-boson field theory with
gravitational time-dialation only in MKS units. This edition shows how to obtain
the correct curvature of light around the sun and perhelion precession of
Mercury for a unified quatum field theory of this type.
[4] I note that the
unified field theory of forces described by the electroform model seems to be
connected to the mythic imaging system. This is involved in determining the
mythic forms in the bubble chamber photograph from CERN, above. We often find
evidence of it's existence in terrestrial cloud cover photos, for instance in weather satellite images.
Details on the mythic connection to field theory are described in the 10th
edition [3].

Wichita State
University's Ablah Library, A NetScape Navigator 4.0 Site.
I also use
Netscape Navigator 3.0 Sites at local Wichita public libraries and
do some
communicating on my home office PC equipped with WINDOWS 98.

photo 3/2/98 of the WSU Ablah Library next to the engineering
building at
WSU, which I use for research.

Romance in the late 80s: Left: Linda. Right: Jean. Nurse: My
(From 2nd Tampa expedition [7th engineering
Jean and I were dating the summer in 1988 that I wrote a
chapter on polytropic stars for Thermonuclear Fusion in Stars. See Figure
88 in Colours of the Stars by Malin & Murdin.

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